I was extremely impressed with my first Walkathon.. I have never
seen a school fundraiser this intense or with this much energy. At my
old school, fundraisers were unimportant. I only donated when I was
forced to, as it really wasn’t pressed upon us the importance of our donations. However I was amazed at the amount of effort that went into this Walkathon.
At our first meeting, my homeroom, 9E, selected its two leaders, one of them being me. Little did I realize that our homeroom would be the best in the school (not to brag, or anything).
But as the weeks went by, all of the homerooms were pushed towards
donating more and more until, eventually, everyone pushed themselves up all
the way to a grand total of over $177,000. That is a lot more than I
have ever seen a school fundraiser make ever. The atmosphere, rewards, and
competition made the build-up to the Walkathon an intense one.
But of course, I was just anticipating the main event. And
it was worth waiting for. As 9E, the top homeroom in the school (in
all modesty), waited for the Walkathon to start, we weren’t through
yet. Even in the morning, people were still giving me money to put in
our homeroom envelope, which I promptly did by racing back and forth
between our area and the booths multiple times.
After the hilarious pre-walk activities, where many a song was sung,
the Walkathon kicked off! The freshmen went last, as usual, but we were
not discouraged. We boldly marched forth, determined to proudly raise
our heads high as we rightfully should have after our noble efforts.
On the other hand, I just walked around and waved a light saber in
people’s faces. Good times. This was easily the longest fundraiser
walk I have ever been on, and I have actually gone on quite a few. The
time was well spent reflecting on the spirit of giving and pondering
what must be done to clean the world of pollution. Or you could’ve
done what I did, and spent the non-light saber waving time watching Red vs.
Blue with your friend on his iPhone. Again, good times.
After our long walk, we finally got to sit down and enjoy a well-
deserved lunch. All we had to do was, well, walk to it. It actually wasn’t
that far away, and the food was good (I’m not sure how the meat-
eaters’ food was, but the veggie burgers and ice cream were top
notch). And a special thanks to the parent volunteers for serving food
and delegating the waste to its proper receptacles. I left the
Walkathon feeling like it was a job well done. It was fun, and we all worked hard. The Walkathon was a great experience, and one that I
can’t wait to have three more times. As soon as I regain feeling in my
Fun at the Walkathon
Joe Stableford ’15, Staff Writer
October 12, 2011
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