Letters from Outgoing and Incoming Editors-in-Chief

Goodbye, Eric!
At the beginning of this school year, the Emerald set many goals, notably committing to producing interesting content, serving as a forum for SHC students to share their views on contentious issues, and establishing a culture of journalism at SHC. With the help of our dedicated team, we made great progress on all three fronts. We consistently published an article every Friday, in addition to the sporadic Monday or Wednesday. Articles regarding Zoom “Breakout Rooms” to “Cancel Culture,” received hundreds of views on our website, provoking much discussion throughout the SHC community. This is the difference that we, as student-journalists, seek to make. 

Additionally, our team grew rapidly this year. Many meetings drew over 50 participants, and over 25 different students had their articles published this year. As a member of the Emerald for the past four years, this level of engagement has been unprecedented. I have all the confidence in the world that our amazing team, led by incoming Editor-in-Chief Margot Hart ‘22, will continue this progress going forward.

Welcome, Margot!
Hey SHC! My name is Margot Hart and I am thrilled to be serving as the Editor-in-Chief of the Emerald for the 2021-2022 school year! At SHC, I play varsity tennis, sing in concert choir, volunteer with Lasallian Vincentian Youth, and participate in the Student Launch Initiative. Over the past 3 years, I have seen the Emerald grow through the dedication of writers and the leadership of the past teams. In a year that has brought so much change and hardship, it is more important than ever to have a platform for students to discuss important issues, both inside and outside of SHC. As Editor in Chief, I hope that the Emerald will serve as a platform for underrepresented voices to be heard and to share their stories. We are committed to initiating impactful conversations around campus and representing the entirety of the student body. As SHC begins to transition back into in-person learning, the Emerald will continue keeping students in the loop on the most topical issues and adapting to provide students with exceptional journalism. If you are looking to write an article or have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to me, [email protected]