After over two months of constant rehearsal for the fall play A Midsummer Night’s Dream, the SHC Drama department finally reached tech week, or “hell week” as it’s not-so-fondly nicknamed among actors. With students in the cast in crew facing school days longer than 12 hours, tech rehearsals and the plays that follow can be a tiring ordeal. However, despite our exhaustion, we love the special environment and traditions that come with these two weeks. Come with me as I take the camera backstage to shed light on how the SHC community bonds in their experience of tech week and performances.
A Midsummer Night’s Dream
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About the Contributors

Olivia Lombardini ‘26, Head Copy Editor
Liv is very excited to be a Head Copy Editor for her junior year! Aside from the Emerald, she’s involved in the SHC theater, student council, Women’s Empowerment, and the DePaul Scholar program. Outside of school, she enjoys spending time with her friends, listening to music, and binging TV shows!

Brevin Hom ’25, Opinion Editor
Brevin is a junior at SHC, and he is in Tech Crew, a leader in LVY, CSF, Block Club, Model UN and the SBO Vice President. He is excited to be the Opinion Editor of the Emerald.