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Sacred Heart Cathedral's student-run newspaper. We've got issues.

The Emerald

Sacred Heart Cathedral's student-run newspaper. We've got issues.

The Emerald

Sacred Heart Cathedral's student-run newspaper. We've got issues.

The Emerald

SHC Varsity 2012: A Fall Season in Review

SHC Varsity 2012: A Fall Season in Review

Will Moon ’14, Sports Editor December 7, 2012

As December rolls around and students begin to prepare for their final exams, the Fall athletes of SHC can look back on a great season that was complete with its ups and downs, but an overall success. The...

Close Loss for the Varsity Volleyball Team

Kevin Buckley ’13, Sports Reporter November 30, 2011

The amazing 2011 Fightin' Irish volleyball season came to an end Tuesday night. A hard fought NorCal Championship game between the Irish and the Cougars of Albany High School was won in 5 games by the...

Amazing Victory for the Fightin' Irish Volleyball Team

Amazing Victory for the Fightin’ Irish Volleyball Team

Gabi Montenegro ’12, Editor-in-Chief October 20, 2011
A recap on the Fightin' Irish Varsity Volleyball team's victory over rival Saint Ignatius 3-1.
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