Mama, directed by Andrés Muschietti, follows two young girls abandoned by their father in a wilderness cabin, where they are raised by a mysterious otherworldly figure they came to know as “Mama”. With the help of his girlfriend Annabel (Jessica Chastain), the girls’ uncle Lucas (Nikolaj Coster-Waldau), courageously takes them in, despite their unusual behavior. After being kept in the hospital because of an accident Mama induced, Lucas leaves Annabel alone to care for the girls. Little does she know, Annabel is in store for Mama’s jealous wrath once the girls have warmed up to Annabel and come to love her as their real mother. With the help of Dr. Dreyfuss (Daniel Kash), she uncovers the Mama’s disturbing secrets.
Muschietti doesn’t fail to bring the scare through creepily creative graphics, keeping the ambiance of the film frightful yet intriguing. Suspense played a key role throughout the movie, keeping moviegoers on the edge of their seats. This horror/mystery film featured a dense storyline yet maintained enough terror to be chilling. Leaving a few loose ends without an epilogue may come to frustrate movie watchers. Although the ending was rather disappointing, the overall quality of the film was satisfactory. Mama may not be Academy Award-winning, but it’s perfect for a Friday night out. Grab a couple of friends and kick back to watch this thrilling movie out in theaters now.